Dr. Katherine Talton and Dr. Dustin Jessup are the founders of Future Sight, the groundbreaking company that has changed the face of robotics for a quarter-century. The two are also husband and wife, and they’ve lived a good life as scientific explorers of the unknown.

However, when Dustin learns that he’s been diagnosed with a terminal illness, it seems their time together is coming to its end. Unable to accept the limits of medical science, Katherine throws herself into exploring the boundaries of robotics and artificial intelligence to try and find a way to save her husband. But as the end draws near for Dustin, Katherine must consider if she's pushing too far past the natural order of things…

Creative Team

Artist/Co-Creator: Rem Broo

Editor: Derrick Freeland

Publisher: Scout Comics


Finding Peace (2017)


Zom-BMX! (2020)