About Jordan

Jordan Alsaqa is a Palestinian-American comic writer from Charlotte, NC. Jordan graduated from N.C. State University with a degree in Creative Writing. Since the release of his first one-shot Terminal Protocol, co-created with Rem Broo and published by Scout Comics, Jordan has developed numerous projects, including five successful Kickstarter campaigns and several professionally published books.

Jordan’s work includes the one-shots Finding Peace, Party of Your Afterlife, and We Have to Go Back, the ongoing horror-comedy Raise Hell!, and the rural horror miniseries Welderkin. His work has also been featured in numerous shorts and anthologies such as ELECTRUM from Ascend Comics and You Died from Iron Circus Comics.

Jordan is currently writing Cooking with Monsters, a YA graphic novel trilogy co-created with artist Vivian Truong, for IDW.

Keep up with Jordan on Twitter, or purchase copies of his books on his Gumroad.